Original Score

Listen to a sample of the film’s original score.

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The Composers

David Parfit
Composer, musician, recordist, mixer, coder, David Parfit is a lot of things. With a degree in computer science (U of Montana) and a Master’s in music technology (NYU), David’s usually either writing music or editing and designing sounds for films and television. Currently playing with bands The Carlines, and Georgia Murray’s new group, LIINKS, he has also created or co-created several interactive multimedia installations exhibited at Rifflandia music festival, TEDx talks, and other gallery spaces. David is best known to film audiences for award-winning films The Whale and Saving Luna.

Marc Junker
Marc is a composer/producer that has worked on a variety of film and video game soundtracks and lots of other weird stuff. He’s made music for internet cats, autism intervention software, youtube channels, and regular old motion pictures. Phew!